The only brief sunny spell of the day came in the late morning...

Visiting to appear on static display, departed at lunchtime to get back to Yeovilton in some better weather...

Many shades of grey for the flying display...

The last display of the day ended up being a single circuit by the Comet just after 5pm, at which point the weather closed in - bringing to a rather damp close this year's flying display season. It was a miserably grey, damp and cold autumn day but it was enjoyable nonetheless in its own way. Having not bothered too much with taking photos for a good chunk of the display, there was a chance to have a good wander around, enjoy the displays from numerous vantage points and doing so not through a camera for a change - there was some excellent flying on display (and topsides galore from AR501 - a stark change from its season opening display of belly-passes back in May).